A wise investment with an astonishing effect!
The GOLD*CHIP Disc is there to protect from electromagnetic radiation that enters buildings from the outside:
- rail lines
- mobile phone antennas
- high-voltage lines
- satellite dishes / dish antennas
- train, tram and trolleybus lines
In order to protect yourself (and your family … and your employees) against the above-mentioned influences, the GOLD*CHIP Disc (pure crystalline silicon, Ø 17cm) is placed inside the home or workplace (on the wall or window facing the source of interference).
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Not only are agricultural enterprises (concerned by radiation from high-voltage power lines and mobile phone antennas) pleased to confirm the extremely positive effects of this “disc”. In particular with regard to changing the behavior of the animals concerned, such as cows, pigs, chickens, etc., they have been able to make a significant contribution to the improvement of the quality of life of their animals. Before installing the GOLD*CHIP Disc …
a) more miscarriages occurred …
b) most cows suffered from inflammation …
c) the individual performance of dairy cows was declining …
d) the quality of the milk (fat content) was decreasing …
e) great difficulties in gestation were also manifested …
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Latest feedback: In mid-April 2020 (in the middle of the Corona pandemic) we received this very short feedback from a farmer who had already had very good experiences with our PHAROS II:
My mother was taken to a cantonal hospital (in Switzerland) a few days ago. Already on the second day she complained about sleeping problems and other problems she had not had before. I thought to myself: now I have to look for a needle in a haystack! When I looked out of the room on the occasion of my next visit, I “discovered” a mobile phone antenna. On request, the management informed me that it was a new 5G antenna, which was “recently” installed and put into operation.
Thereupon I contacted an acquaintance of mine, who has been working with bio-resonance for more than 30 years and knows the topic of electrosmog very well. She then tried to harmonize the room with symbols and various products: unfortunately without success!
Shortly afterwards she sent me a GOLD*CHIP disc, which I hung up in the room, facing the antenna. My mother, who is now 85 years old, told me shortly after: “I feel much better already; both when I’m lying in bed and sitting on the chair!”
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It is a pleasure to see that more and more service companies as well as banks and insurance companies are also becoming overburdened by the effects of our BIOTAC Line© products and are integrating them for the benefit of their employees.
The GOLD*CHIP Disc is not just a piece of “normal glass”. Every single GOLD*CHIP Disc is carefully and individually handmade by an experienced team of a traditional glass foundry in Southern Germany. The grooves that are carefully applied to the disc correspond to the Fibonacci sequence, which among other things serves to manifest a harmonic and protective tachyon field.
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Due to the many feedbacks we have received since the introduction of our products in 1995, the effect of the GOLD*CHIP Disc can be described as extraordinary, without exaggerating. This is all the more so as there is a GOLD*CHIP in the middle of this silicon disc, whose extraordinary effect has been proven by several scientific and bio-energetic studies.
In order for you to find out about the effectiveness of the GOLD*CHIP, you will find the published studies under this link.
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