Sore throat

Mal di gola - maldigolaD025

You can use magnets with excellent results to relieve throat burns due to angina, laryngitis or tonsillitis.

Touch the point on the neck where you feel a swelling or pain to the touch, place the magnets in order to have the negative side on the skin and fix them with a plaster.

Use the Cosam 8000 or D-025 preferably. Let the magnets work for a maximum of half an hour and repeat the operation after a couple of hours’ pause.

Gargle with negative magnetized water.

Mal di gola - mal di gola 1

Click here if you want to buy a Cosam 8000 magnet to solve your sore throat problem.

Click here if you wish to purchase a D-025 magnet to solve your sore throat problem.